Why Us

Honesty and transparency are very important to us. So to be 100% clear, Cause365 is NOT a non-profit organization. In other words, yes we do make some money from the causes and initiatives that we run and support. We understand that a for-profit charitable organization might seem counterintuitive at first. But the reason we decided to be a for-profit organization has nothing to do with maximizing our profits, and everything to do with minimizing the number of obstacles in our way to helping people in need.

The process for becoming a non-profit is both time consuming, and capital intensive. On top of that, the need to continuously navigate a board of directors, stringent bylaws, mountains of paperwork and government restrictions, prevents many nonprofits from being able to act quickly when an opportunity to help people arises.

The idea behind Cause365 is to skip over the well intentioned but inherently slow procedures associated with being a non-profit. We are able to raise and spend capital more quickly and creatively than traditional non-profits. The moment we see a need, WE ACT!

We don’t need to spend months applying for government grants before we can help. We don’t need to spend valuable time and energy on mandatory meetings, quorums and other “compliance obligations”. And we also don’t need to worry about constantly managing public relations and opinions. While we would love for everyone to like and agree with us and what we do, we know that isn’t possible, and it’s also not our goal.

Cause365 has one goal. To help as many people as possible. To make everyday count, in the fight against education, environment and social inequality. As long as our team, our incredibly generous donors and sponsors, and most importantly the people in need that we help, feel like we are living up to that ideal, we will continue.

If this doesn’t sit well with you, we completely understand and we hope you will consider supporting another charitable organization that aligns more closely with your values. But if this does sound like something you would like to support, we would be incredibly grateful for any contributions, ideas, comments, connections or anything else you think would help us help those in need!

Thank you,